Shutter delivers some genuinely frightening jolts on a modest budget and once again proves that good camera work and atmospheric storytelling will always trump special effects in the scare department. In fact, there are no real "effects" in this film at all, just good makeup, imaginative use of photography, and a fiendish performance from it resident ghost, Achita Sikamana, who gives a whole new meaning to the word "creepy." It's kind of unfortunate that I watched this movie on the heels of À l'intérieur. Still in shock from that film's unprecedented assault, I found myself a bit numb to what might have otherwise induced a full-blown freakout. Nonetheless, Shutter gets an unequivocal thumbs up from me.
By now I should not even have to mention that the American remake of this film is not worth your time.
Scorecard (out of ten skulls):


Scare Factor:


My psychological status:
Go Phillies!
Baughan, your selections are discerning - how about a little schlock?
Have you seen this?
if nothing else, watch the opening scene.
Care to provide any previews of coming attractions?
The only schlock I was planning on including is Shaun of the Dead, but I'm not sure I'll have room. The Screams and Final Destinations are decent entertainment but I don't really consider them worth writing about.
Funny Games (the original) devastated me when I first saw it, but it was made too long ago to fit into my 10-year time frame for this grouping. I thought long and hard about including the remake and may still...
Remaining candidates include:
The Devil's Backbone
28 Days Later
The Descent
Funny Games
The Signal
and if I can get my hands on them, Paranormal Activity and Martyrs.
p.s. with whom am I speaking?
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