I distinctly remember standing in line at a theater in Berkeley, waiting to see the premiere of The Blair Witch Project, and evesdropping as a nearby woman and her daughter whipped themselves into a pique of nervous anticipation. It was clear that neither of them actually believed what they were about to watch was a true story, but the closer they got to a place where it could be true, the more they would enjoy it.
Here's the thing: I grew up and went to school with Heather Donahue, the female lead in Blair Witch. I watched her in school plays and knew she had gone out West to become an actress. Even with that knowledge, I was still able to sit down in that packed theater house and believe, if only for a short while, that something had stalked her and her companions in the woods of Burkittsville. Credit the filmmakers, credit Heather, and credit my sharing of Fox Mulder's motto: I want to believe. Whatever the case, the film worked for me.
I sat down last night to watch Blair Witch again for the first time since that night, nearly ten years ago. I was exhausted, and really wanted to watch the Phillies game. I took several breaks to get beers and cookies. I did not watch it in total darkness, as I had the other selections. In short, I failed to fulfill my end of the bargain, and as a result nary a goosebump was raised. Even the final scene fell flat for me, no pun intended.
I hope there's a lesson in here somewhere. For me, if not for others. Old Timothy Leary was not just talking about psychedelics when he underlined the importance of set and setting...
To be fair, I'm going to score Blair Witch based on my first viewing.
Scorecard (out of ten skulls):


Scare Factor:


My psychological status:
guilty as charged
1 comment:
Believe it or not I actually haven't seen the movie but I too have my own memories of Heather- dating back to white frilly dresses for First Holy Communion. Be interested to see what she is doing now. I think I have seen her name associated with Always Sunny in Philly but have yet to catch her in the show...
Emily Niepomnik (Parkinson)
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